Studio Tour Application Fee Structure All Participants:$225.00 Tour Fee New Participants:$20.00 Jury Fee, $225 at acceptance Applications due March 7th, 2025 2025 Participant Application Step 1 of 6 16% Nashville Indiana, and surrounding Brown County, is an area with a rich history as an art community. The Brown County Studio Tour is a community of artists who come together each year in the month of October, seeking to create an experience for each other and our visitors every year. Each year, from October 1st through 31st, artists open their studios as part of a self-guided driving art tour and welcome visitors from all over the country.The Brown County Studio Tour (BCST) is truly a team effort, and all the artists contribute to make it the best possible experience for each other and our visitors each year. If you are an artist residing in Brown County Indiana and would like to join this endeavor, we invite you to fill out an application. Or, if you are an artist that has work on display at a gallery or other BC studio, but do not live or have a studio in Brown County, you are welcome to sign up as a guest artist and we will help you find a studio to display and sell your work (see guest artist guidelines).Below you will find a brief introduction to some of the foundational commitments the artists make in order to ensure success for everyone who participates. These are intended to help you determine your fit as part of our artist community.As part of your application process, you will also be asked to read carefully and sign the detailed guidelines that help each of us create a successful tour for each other and our visitors. But to get you started we have listed a few of the essentials below to help you determine your fit as part of our artist community.We look forward to seeing your work and welcoming you to The Brown County Studio Tour. If you should have any questions during your application, or find yourself in need of help with any part of the process, please don’t hesitate to contact us. BCST artists and their studios are required to be located in a rural area of Brown County, Indiana. And, must be first and foremost a studio and not a retail or other shop/store. Participating artists should have experience in their medium/area of expertise for 2 or more years. Guest artists who display at a resident artists studio are required to abide by the same standards for creating and displaying art as resident studio artists. For consistency and accommodation of our visitors; studios are required to be open 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday (with exception for those who do not wish to be open on Sunday’s). BCST holds 4 meetings and 1 social gathering/celebration each year for artists and guest artists. Attendance at these meetings helps us support one another and creates continuity for the tour. At least 3 of these 4 meetings are required for participation. While the responsibility for marketing falls on the BCST leadership team (board of directors), artist participation in marketing; (i.e. posting on social media or personal web sites, handing out brochures, making invitation during art shows, inviting friends and family, etc.) is really helpful for the overall health of the tour. We strongly encourage and support all artist participating in the marketing efforts. Agreement:* I Agree By checking this box, I signify that I have read and agree to abide by the full list of guidelines necessary for participating in the Brown County Studio Tour. Have you previously been a tour participant?* Yes No $20 Jury Fee will be due at the end of this application, and $225 Tour Fee will be required later, upon acceptance.$225 Tour fee will be due at the end of this application.I would like to take part in the Brown County Studio Tour:* In my own studio I'm applying as a guest artist Agree to Studio Hours:*Each participating studio must to be open from 11am to 5pm, Wednesday through Saturday. Open Sunday is optional but recommended. I agree to be open Wed - Sat, 11am-5pm Will you be open on Sunday?* I will be open Sundays 11am-5pm I will not be open Sundays Will you be hosting a guest artist?* No Yes - I have 1 guest artist Yes - I have 2 guest artists Yes - I have 3 guest artists I am able to host guest artist(s) You can host up to three (3) guest artists. We may contact you about hosting guest artist(s) if needed.Do you need a host studio?* No - I already have a host studio Yes - I am in need of a host studio I'm going to be a guest of:* Enter artist / studio that will host your art.My 1st guest artist's name is:* First Last My 1st guest artist's email address is:* My 2nd guest artist's name is:* First Last My 2nd guest artist's email address is:* My 3rd guest artist's name is:* First Last My 3rd guest artist's email address is:* Provide Your Information Your information will be used in promotional materials. Be precise and keep your descriptions short.My name:* First Last Business/Studio Name (if applicable): Email* Phone*Website Facebook Page Address (if applicable) This is your Facebook Page URL. Example: Profile name (if applicable): This is your Instagram username, which should begin with @Studio Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Is your Mailing Address the same as the Studio Address?* Yes No Mailing Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code New Tour Participants: We use the following information for the brochure, website, and social media, so please be clear and concise when answering these questions.Returning Tour Participants: Even if you have participated in past years, please please be clear and concise when answering the following questions. We use this information for the brochure, website, and social media.Describe your artwork/media below. This will be used for marketing, so please write it in a print worthy format.Describe your artwork/media (60 characters or less)* Provide any information about yourself, your art, and creative process that you believe would be of interest to tour guests: (300 characters or less)* Image Upload InstructionsYou must name your images like this: YYYY-LASTNAME-PAINTING1.JPGExample: "2022-SMITH-Drawing2.jpg" Studio Artists must provide 6 images: 4 images of your artwork 1 Image of you AT work 1 image of your studio Guest Artists must provide 4 images: 3 images of your work 1 image of you AT work. (Maximum size per image: 4MB.)Upload Images:* Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, Max. file size: 4 MB, Max. files: 6. Maximum size per image: 4MB. Studio InformationPlease provide information regarding your studio:Is your studio open year-round?* Yes No By Appointment Year-round hours of operation?* Is your studio handicap accessible?* Yes No Do you have restrooms available at your location?* Yes No Are you an Indiana Artisans Member?* Yes No Signature* Reset signature Signature locked. Reset to sign again By signing, you agree to pay the above tour fee, and you agree to the Studio Tour Guidelines.Type your name as signed:* Studio Tour Fee Price: Jury Fee Price: Total $0.00 Payment MethodCredit CardCard Details Cardholder Name PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.